Metafrax will strengthen industrial cooperation with enterprises of the Kama region

The signing of the roadmap for cooperation between JSC Metafrax Chemicals and the industrial complex of the Perm Territory took place at the XI Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum. The document was approved by the Governor of the Kama region Dmitry Makhonin and the Executive Director of the enterprise Maksim Nakhshunov.
The signing of the roadmap for cooperation between JSC Metafrax Chemicals and the industrial complex of the Perm Territory took place at the XI Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum. The document was approved by the governor of the Kama region Dmitry Makhonin and the Executive Director of the enterprise Maksim Nakhshunov.
The activities of the roadmap are aimed at expanding the interaction between enterprises of the Perm Territory and Metafrax Chemicals in terms of industrial cooperation.
“Ruschem Holding is actively integrated into the industrial policy of the state and is aimed at achieving the goals of the country's technological sovereignty and the course towards import substitution. Metafrax Chemicals, which is a part of it, has many years of experience in the field of industrial cooperation. We see many interesting proposals for cooperation with enterprises of the Kama region and are open for cooperation. I’m confident that the implementation of the new roadmap will further increase the volume of products and services for Metafrax Chemicals by regional organizations.”
The roadmap's activities are planned until the end of 2026. The document defines specific activities and deadlines for their implementation, participants and planned results.
Metafrax and the Government of the Perm Territory have previously implemented a number of roadmaps in the field of industrial cooperation. A clear mechanism of interaction between the enterprise and the regional Ministry of Industry and Trade has been built. As a result of joint work, last year the volume of purchases from Perm enterprises amounted to 69% of the total amount of purchases by the company.