Chemistry unites

On May 26, employees, veterans and guests of Metafrax Chemicals gathered at the Gubakha’s Palace of Culture "Energetik" for a celebration on theprofessional holiday.
When opening the event, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Metafrax Group, Armen Garslyan noted that despite the challenges of the time, the Company continues to move forward, build experience, skills, strengthen cooperation with social and business partners, continues to implement the strategy of development of the territories of presence.
- I want to thank the whole team of the Company for their professionalism, responsibility and commitment to their native enterprise. Thanks to our dear veterans, whom I wish to share the accumulated experience, and thanks to young employees – to be bolder, adopt this experience and develop. I congratulate everyone on the holiday! - Armen Garslyan declared.
For many years of conscientious work, professionalism and a great personal contribution to the development of the Company, the Managerpresented badges and certificates of the "Honorary Chemist" title to Andrey Kiyak, a methanol production's operator, and Alexander Shirokov, a senior foreman of the workshop for maintenance and repair of automated control systems and measuring devices.
The Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation was awarded to theboiler plant's operator ofmethanol production- Igor Gudima and the chief power engineer of the directorate of the AUM Complex- Pavel Lizunov. Appreciation lettersfrom the Governor of the PermRegion were presented to the deputy chief engineer of the directorate of AUM Complex - Konstantin Foteev, methanol production's operator - Valery Rogalev,polyorganics and polyatomic alcoholsproduction's operator- Andrey Martyashev, deputy chief mechanical engineer - Artem Vlasovskikh, director of the corporate recreation center- Minkhat Kharisov, head of the technical diagnostics center- Leonid Abaturov and head of the department of the power supply shop - Vasily Taratynov.
The Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade of the Perm Region was awarded to the deputy head of the workshop for the preparation of raw materials, semi-finished products and products of the AUM Complex - Oleg Starkov, foreman of the railway workshop (railway station) - Sergey Kozlov, operator of the boiler house of the steam and gas workshop-Viktor Yerukhin, a leading specialist of the foreign affairs department - Olga Novoseltseva, a laboratory analyst at the central production laboratory- Rimma Davletova, head of the division of the workshop for maintenance and repair of automated control systems and measuring devices - Yuri Koksharov and head of the air separation unit of the process preparation plant - Vladimir Kazymov.
Viktor Mayer, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Metafrax Chemicals, presentedthe corporate awards. This year, the names of the foreman of the railway station Igor Polozov and the engineer of therepair work shopare included in the Company's Book of Honorof Natalia Marinyuk.
The title of "Honorary veteran of work of Metafrax Chemicals for many years of work, adherenceto the chosen cause and high professional skill was awarded to the operator of the process preparation plantAlexander Martyashev, the lathe operator of the repair work shopDmitry Ovcharov, the crane operator of the transport and administrativeworkshop Viktor Glushkov, electronics technician of Metafrax-Inform LLC Andrey Mikhalchuk and chairman of the primary trade union organizationof Metafrax Chemicals Lyudmila Krasnykh.
Vladimir Daut, a member of the Board of Directors of Metafrax Group, presented the certificates and corporate badges to employees who entered the Metafrax Chemicals Gold Fund: methanol production's operatorsVladimir Borisov and Andrey Kiyak, formalinproduction's operatorAlexey Kuchev,maintenance technician of the repair work shopSergey Korepanov, lathe operator of the repair work shopDmitry Ovcharov, railway locomotive driver Nikolai Shevrikuko, to the seniorforeman of theworkshop for maintenance and repair of automated control systems and measuring devices Alexander Shirokov,to the driver of the truck-mounted craneof the transport and administrativeworkshopVictor Glushkov, to the director of the AUM Complex Alexander Lysov, veterans of the enterprise Andrey Palkin and Yuri Zhilenkov.
Gubakha's chemists were also congratulated by the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region,Alexey Mazlov. In accordance with tradition the anthem of the Company was performed by the vocal group "Non solo" and the team of young artists "#Zapevalovateam".